The facts revolution

I just released the first version of Visual Chap. Here’s the punchline, find my comments below.
Visual Chap is a WordPress Plugin which treats your readers by providing a unique experience for your content.
A quick, animated, graphical, Wikipedia-powered search for everything you write… or just specific words.
It truly is a time in which we are all deeply scrutinized and many informations about us are easily available throughout the planet: my (and your) family and friends expect me (and you) to have a ‘clean’ on-line presence and applying for a job means making sure no embarrassing details about yourself are shared on the Internet. Ever.
And yet, somehow, the world’s most relevant players seem to be able to get away with any factual lie, among other things.
I believe the best antidote to a ‘post-truth’ era is ‘extreme fact-checking’ and machines all around us can help out with that: Visual Chap is my first attempt in that direction. I’m actually surprised something like this seems to have been flying a bit below the radars so far and many seem to not realize that the lack of correct informations inevitably leads to wrong choices in any field.
I think I can hear you saying: ‘Do you really think Wikipedia is infallible?’.
Never wrong? I believe there’s no such thing. And I also believe it’s valid for anything and anyone. Furthermore, the evaluation of what’s right or wrong changes accordingly to the amount of accurate informations received and therefore evolves over time.
But I will argue that Wikipedia is our best shot, at the moment: if we are expecting big companies to fact-check against themselves, we might be delusional.
Time will tell: in the meanwhile, please enjoy Visual Chap and make sure to spread it around!